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NAVIANCE Information


  1. Select the Naviance Student icon under the SV student resource page OR go to*DO NOT google Naviance Student and try to log - this will not be the correct login option.

  2. The next screen after you Select Student as the User asks for your email, however, use your SV Username.   DO NOT USE YOUR SV EMAIL ADDRESS - USE YOUR SV USERNAME IN THAT SPACE AND THEN YOUR SV PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD SPACE - i.e. SV Username - lightnerdr/SV password - 123456. We are a single sign in school.  SV Usernames and Passwords are the same for your Naviance account.

Below are descriptions of the available tabs within the Naviance program. Select "Find Out More" if you would like additional information.


Students can learn more about themselves and find best fit careers, clusters, and pathways using the Self-Discovery Section.  The assessments and surveys include Learning & Productivity, Career Cluster Finder, Career Interest Profiler, Personality, StrengthsExplorer and Intelligences.


Use the Career planning tools in Naviance Student to find best fit careers and clusters and pathways of interest, connect to careers of interest, be inspired by leaders who have turned their passions into life’s work, and locate local, real-world career learning events and opportunities. Find your passion and start planning for your future today!


Naviance Student can help make the process of finding the right college or post-secondary institution just a little easier.  Using Naviance Student’s Find your Fit search tools, you can locate the schools that most fit with your interests, passions, and criteria.  Once you have narrowed down a group of colleges, multiple tools are available to understand more about that school in general and as a prospect.  Naviance Student provides two features to store college information:

  • Colleges I’m Thinking About: This is a list of schools that you have favorited and identified as prospective schools of interest.

  • Colleges I’m Applying To:  This is a list of schools to which you have decided to apply.  This can be populated from College’s I’m Thinking About or directly from searches


Use provided tools such as goals, to-do lists and tasks in My Planner to create personalized plans of action to achieve your goals.  From the My Planner overview page, you can quickly access overdue tasks, a calendar of past and upcoming events, and recently completed tasks and to-dos.


About Me gives you access to an overview of information directly connected to you and your experience in Naviance Student.

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