Graduation Requirements
24 Credits
Students need to fulfill 24 credits in the following categories:
4.0 English
4.0 Social Studies
4.0 Math
1.0 Biology
1.0 Chemistry
1.0 STEM
2.0 Physical Education
0.5 Health
2.0 Electives - Humanities focused
4.5 Electives - general
Various courses available in each area will fulfill this requirement.
Students are required to schedule 6.0 credits each year and are
encouraged to review the Program of Studies, consult with teachers, and discuss available options with parents when selecting classes to complete their graduation credit.
Graduation Project
The Seneca Valley Graduation Project is a continuing educational experience throughout the senior year requiring the successful completion of three separate components in a student-chosen area of study. The components include: an approved project, a portfolio and an oral presentation.
During the senior year English course students will develop a project that may be community, career or enrichment oriented.
Project progress will be logged in an individual portfolio prepared by the student.
Judges review the portfolio and evaluate the student’s presentation of the project.
The successful completion of EACH of the three components is a graduation requirement.
Keystone Exams
Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of:
Algebra I
The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania's statewide high school graduation requirements.
Keystone Exams help school districts guide students toward meeting state standards.
The Class of 2023 (current seniors) is required to reach proficiency on all three components of the Keystone Exams.